28 Years Clinical Experience

(056) 7728860 robbyandclarelodge@gmail.com


Is there a waiting list?

No you will be contacted with 24 hours and your appointment will be within 3 days.

Do I need a GP referral?

No you can refer yourself.

Will I be treated during my first consultation?

Yes treatment including home exercise in most cases begins on the 1st session.

What should I wear to appointments?

Loose fitting clothes and shorts if you have lower limb problem are appropriate. If you have long hair it is best to put it up into a bun.

When should I attend for Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is helpful for the management of new injuries and for pain that has gone on for a while. If you are concerned about how to manage a problem or about a problem that is not getting better then we can help.

I have health insurance, am I covered to attend?

As chartered Physiotherapists we are covered by all Health insurers. Please check your policy for your specific level of cover as it varies from policy to policy.